Wednesday, January 9, 2008

MORE snow!

Maybe our reservoirs will be adequately filled this year!

By 8:00 this morning, there was plenty of snow to give Tad a workout shoveling - and it's still really coming down now at 4:45 this afternoon! Here are some pics - Tad the man...

My lilac and rose bush are totally flocked - cool!

Our back yard just waiting for kids to dive in....

Tad's out shoveling again and he cut a little path in the back on the sidewalk to the deck - you can see how much this storm has dropped on each side of his path. He measured 16 inches!

Earlier, we saw some poor lady in a Cadillac trying to use our driveway to turn around. She barely made it! This is after Tad shoveled! It took her three tries to use the slope of our gutter for momentum! Our junky old four-wheel-drive Jeep doesn't seem so bad a ride today!


jbond said...

Now that is the kind of snow fall I remember from when we were kids, right Bon?!

Bonnie said...

It's like old times! I remember snow sledding down the banks in my own yard, and just yesterday we were ticked because the neighbor kids came and did that all over our yard while we weren't home - they packed down one of the slides right up to our front steps - Tad had to shovel AGAIN!